The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10773   Message #76544
Posted By: Rick Fielding
07-May-99 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: Post-Colorado Frenzy II
Subject: RE: Post-Colorado Frenzy II
Dear bbc, if you are feeling that you want to leave this thread because you're just plain tired of it, and don't feel you have anything more to contribute...fair enough, but I'd hate to think your reaction is connected in ANY way by the "bs" comment. As you no doubt have gathered, the vast majority of mudcatters have come out on the side of intelligent discussion on issues that affect ALL of us. We are a community that has come together because of music, but the glue that holds us together is made up of many ingredients, not the least of which is the sharing of personal thoughts and situations. Some are hilarious, and some, trying, to say the least, but they are all valid and make the community strong.

A couple of things to consider: There's always LOTS of music to discuss, and...if you check back a few months you'll find that inevitably the "flame throwers" shoot one blast, and then disappear, leaving cooler (and fuller) heads to douse the flames...and you must admit, it gets interesting!
