The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50487   Message #765711
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
15-Aug-02 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Berrigan in Dublin
Subject: Berrigan in Dublin
Went to hear Daniel Berrigan, John Deere and a dreadlocky Aussie whose name I missed last night in Dublin. 700 people crammed into a Jesuit hall to hear them; about 200 more were turned away at the door.

Very impressive. He spoke about the American 'war on terror', said war was a pointless and murderous exercises under any circumstances whatever, and talked a bit about his years of activism and his time in jail.

I was disappointed that he didn't answer a clearly disturbed heckler who screamed at him about church child abuse; after all, what is more warlike than a powerful institution allowing its members to harm children in their care? I didn't think he should get into an argument, but I did think he should have said something at the conclusion of the meeting.

One of the most moving things in his presentation was his reading of letters from people whose family had been killed at the World Trade Center. He said that one group had gone to talk to rescue workers, to get some comfort, and the military had come storming in promising 'Vengeance'. Ah.