The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #766157
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Aug-02 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Remember, when a shyster is trying to get you to look one way, look the other. The war on terrorism is a Red Herring. As is the idea that we have to take out Saddam. This man and his despicable henchmen are using the current outrage over the heinous attack of 9-11-2001 to gain other objectives.

Let us examine the Hussein problem for a moment. Saddam Hussein is a two bit player. His most effective tactic is the classic carrot and stick. He maintains his power by using the carrot (money) or the stick (the military and his domestic espionage capabilities). Any neophyte student of the use of tactics knows that the key to taking down someone using this tactic is to simply take away either the carrot, or take away the stick. A bit of an oversimplification, I'll grant you, but true nonetheless. It is why the whole Gulf War was unneccesary. And why the boycott since has been ineffective at anything except killing ordinary Iraqi's. If we had really been interested in taking this man out, we would have put an absolutely airtight embargo on his ability to pump or refine his oil. This would have dried up his money and taken the ability to hand out carrots. Instead we spend a massive amount of international chits on trying to enforce an embargo that was unworkable and that hurt ordinary citizens. This led to a natural protest by our neighbors on this planet and that emboldens Saddam to the point he is at today. The whole thing was screwy and actually enhanced the Moslem terror groups ability to gain sympathy and supporters in the Arab world. The implications of these actions have led us to a very dangerous time and I am not sure we will be able to back away. I told another Mudcatter who is the mother of a 17 year old son that she was right to be afraid. I stand by that.

Today I read a newspaper article that reported about a college that was offering a course that gave an introduction to Islam by having the students study about 35 passages from the Qu'ran. A group of parents were protesting this saying it might cause the students to convert. What has happened to us? How has the study of others in the effort to know them and their religion become a thing of fear? Are these parents so insecure in there own faith and teachings that they fear their children could be led away so easily? And what does that say about their beliefs and faith? Is it not better that their young are interested? What is the future of intellectual discourse if this goes on?

I am more afraid now than I have ever been. Not of dying myself. Not of someone kicking down my door. Not of having to fight an enemy. These things don't frighten me. What I am afraid of is the polluting of our young ones minds. I am afraid of a rise of xenophobia and racism that will have tragic results. I am afraid of this great beacon of democratic republicanism, freedom, and diversity descending into a fascist, self involved state. I am afraid of going the way of Rome. attention right now. Your grandchildren will praise you for doing so.
