The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50347   Message #766428
Posted By: Allan S
16-Aug-02 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: Nylon strings on a Martin 00016
Subject: RE: Nylon strings on a Martin 00016
I have picked up some D'Addario Pro Arte Classical strings EJ46 Hard tension. These are the same that I have on my Ovation. As they are strings without a ball end the sugestion was that I tie a knot at the end and slip a small bead down the string to the knot then use as a ball end string. Hope that this works As last resort I could go to silk and steel. It's the wound ones appear to be giving me the problem.. I believe someone also makes an extra Hard nylon set. Will have to try those also if I can fing out who makes them.. Allan