A rather brilliant engineer dies after a long and successful career, and, after a serious clerical error at the Pearly Gates, was sent down below, by mistake. The Devil doesn't know quite what to do with him, so asks him what jobs he'd like. The engineer points out that since it was rather hot he could install air-conditioning. The devil agreed and two weeks later the job was done! After two months there was hot and cold running water, showers, and a jacuzzi, after four months, a swimming pool, gymnasium and massage parlour, and after six months a sauna, central heating and a patio. Later that week, God pops in to see how his old adversary is getting on and is amazed at all these creature comforts, and asks what has happened. So Old Nick tells God about the mistake with the engineer, and God gets quite miffed. "I want that Engineer back in Heaven where he belongs" quoth God, "and if you try to keep him I"ll get a Lawyer. "Don't be silly" said The Devil, "Where will you find a Lawyer?"