The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #767229
Posted By: Bobert
17-Aug-02 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
I'll make no bones here... I am a follower of Christ, first and formost. Christain? Well, that's unfortunately a different story. You see, most Christain churches have been taken over by those who spent way too much time listening to Satan, rather than God. Most Christain churches have become indoctrination centers for the ruling class. The pulpits are filled with folks that have personal and political agendas and not God's agenda. Yes, the churches, especially the white churches, have been taken over almost lock, stock and barrel by folks you think it their job to pass judgement, contrary to the teachings in the Bible. And by folks who foolishly say that they have God's ear and know what God wants of our society. Bull. These folks won't get within a hundred light years of the Pearly Gates. They are nothing more than wolves in sheeps clothing. Instruments of all that is evil. They want folks to fear God. Is that the message that Jesus brought? To fear God? And they call themselves Christains! Hah! John Ashcroft a Christain? This man wants not only to sit in judegemnt but to take his vengence. That's Christianity? Come on! That's Satan satnding there with his jaw poked out mocking the teachings of Jesus. And folks are wringing their hands about the Coran and Islam and they think it is all so evil. Well, it ain't half as evil as the Cristain Right which is "neither". Bunch of Nazis as far as this Follower of Christ can see. And sure I'm mad. So was Jesus when he turned the tables of the money changers in the temple. Hey, there's a place for money but not above our spirituality. Not even in the same league. Not even in the same consciousness. No, get the money out of the equation and we'll get our churched back, one ay a time. Get the money out and we'll take on Islam. But the way it is now, with heathens running the churhes, Islam wins 100 out of 100. We need a change. We need to get our heads out of the old testiment now and then to listen and know the words of Jesus.

Thank you Lord for these words...

