The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #767763
Posted By: Genie
19-Aug-02 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Bobert, I think you're onto something. I, too, am very tired of the worship of material wealth and private property, not to mention harsh judgment of others, that passes for "Christianity." (Why is it that the "Christian Right" is always quoting Leviticus instead of one of the 4 Gospels?)

BTW, Doug R. I've heard you characterized here as a "right wing extremist" and things like that, and I have always thought that was hogwash. I disagree with you very much on a lot of issues, but unlike many of the right wing talk show hosts I referred to above (for example), you do seem to think for yourself and not to dismiss all ideas out of hand just because they are held by "liberals." Nor do you customarily stoop to calling those you disagree with stupid names (or making fun of their names, physical features, etc.) like many of the talk show hosts do. If there could be as reasoned a debate on the major media as often occurs here, there would be cause for hope.
