The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50545   Message #767972
Posted By: SharonA
19-Aug-02 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Joe Offer HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Subject: RE: Joe Offer HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I figure that if Joe really wanted to avoid joining the ranks of the birthday-threaded, he wouldn't have said anything to the Ducks (Geoff and the Missus) about the significance of the date! So, happy belated birthday, Joe, and thanks a million for all you do for us at Mudcat. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to...

(At least being birthday-threaded isn't as much of a public embarrassment as having that repetitive song sung to you, or being made to blow out candles – not that I don't enjoy that stuff, but not everybody appreciates it!)

Many happy returns of the day!