The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50596   Message #767979
Posted By: beadie
19-Aug-02 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Songs about lighthouses
Subject: RE: Help: Lighthouse Songs
In far northern Wisconsin, on the shores of the greatest of the Great Lakes (Superior), there is a tent show extravaganza that runs from May til September every year called the Lake Superior Bigtop Chautauqua. Empressario Warren Nelson and his band of entertainers book major (and minor) name acts as well as provide locally produced offerings throughout the season.

One of Nelson's projects (repeated several times each summer) is a multi-mdeia and live performance show called "The Keeper of the Light" , a production about the history of the shipping trade on the lakes dating from the earliest European occupation of the region.

The title song (Keeper of the Light) is a masterpiece chronicle of the lighthouse service.

The CD (and many others from the group) is availabel on their website at .