The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #768046
Posted By: Bobert
19-Aug-02 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Yeah, I'm sure John can sing... and maybe play a little... but I'm sacred to death of his vision for the country. It's a country where poor women get abortions with coat hangers in dim lite rooms behind old gas stations. It's a country that locks folks up for being different. It's a country where neihbor spies on neighbor. It's a country where corporations rule over the working class and cvhange rules when it so suits them. It's a country that where people are taught just enough to pass certain tests rather than think. It's a country where artists go underground because unless they paint "barn" watercolors, they are not considered artists at all. Yes, it's a country where the working man dies on the assembly line. A country that is so gentrafied, with school uniforms and goosestepping children. Heck with the constitution, with liberty, with freedom. As long as we're all safe. Yes, safe to live in fear of getting sick and having our HMO drop us because we're sick. Safe, to have sex, but only if performed in a manner that John and Co. approve of. Yeah, safe to have over 50% of our hard earned wages extracted from us either directly or indirectly with the lions share going to build stuff to blow up people. But, hey, we're safe, aren't we. Yeah, Johnny and the boys scare the heack out of this old hillbilly. I'd rather have freedom back. Freedom to think. Freedom to make progreesive, rather than regressive, steps toward a more peaceful planet as opposed to one of the US bullying its people as well as the the rest of the world. Yeah, I'm sure John thinks he's doing the right things but I guess that just says a lot about just how broad a vision he has...

Sorry about the rant. Heck, no I'm not.
