The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #768480
Posted By: Bobert
20-Aug-02 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
DougR: No offense taken, my friend. And since I really don't like mnay, if any conservatives, Iz here to say that you gotta be my favorite right winged knucklehead (jus funnin')...

One thing, ahhhhhhhh. Okay. I like the freedom to go 'round and 'round with you. Well, at least until Johnny has some true believer in a SWAT team uniforn byst thru my door and cart me off to be imprisoned with ouit any charges actually brought agains me.

And I love my gardens which are now threatened by a drought that most scientists agree has been brought pn by the climate changes from burning up stuff that Junior says, "Nah, gotta be something else" and goes about pulling out of treaties to make the our atmospehere less damaging to us down here.

And I'm glad to spend $800 a month for health care insurance every month knowing that my bimbs and bruises will be covered but not too happy to know that if I get real sick than Juniors' buddies that run the HMO's can drop my sorry butt, ahhhh, for having the adasity of, well.... getting sick.

And I'm glad to have you DougR, take the time to taech me about the great American Paragraph, since Junior's schools don't really teach much of anything except how to pass a certain sstandardized test.

And, lastly, my firne, Iz ain't gonna go, but I appreciate that you're at least taking the time to try to find me places rather than Cuba...

Take care...
