The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50498   Message #768571
Posted By: Bobert
20-Aug-02 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Subject: RE: BS: The Degradation of the American Vision
Yeah, Dougie, what Big Mick said. Ol' bobert sniffs a conspiracy plot that may go back as far as Senior Bin Laden hisself.

Ya' ever wonder why the Bush family and the Bin Ladens keep crossin' paths?

Ya' ever wonder why the only non-military aircraft flying over the US on Sept. 12th was a Sauidi airliner that Junior, above the advice of both the CIA and FBI allowed to fly in here and extract certain Bin Laden family members? Hmmmmmm?

Ya' ever wonder what would have happened if 5 Bushite conservative appointees hadn't called off democracy just hours before a Florida recount would have shown Junior to havge lost the election. No wonder that the Repubs. paid many more times than the Dems for attorneys and paid goon squads to intimidate folks.

Ya' ever wonder if those who would have us goosestepping to and from out meager assmebly line jobs are actually gonna pull of this very elaborate and well orchrstrated usurption of Amercan democracy.


Semms to me that there has never been an administartion with such great powers and such little wisdom or compassion.

No, make that a double hmmmmmmmmmmm?
