The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39841   Message #7694
Posted By: Murray
29-Jun-97 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Sir Aldingar
Subject: RE: Maid of Coolmore and Sir Aldingar - lyricsreq
Thread #2091   Message #7605
Posted By: Laoise, Belfast
27-Jun-97 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Maid of Coolmore and Sir Aldingar - lyricsreq
Subject: Maid of Coolmore and Sir Aldingar - lyricsreq

This may be a long shot, but has anyone got the lyrics to the Maid of Coolmore. It's sung by the Bothy Band, but I reckon its an old one. I've got a recording of it but the words are too difficult to make out.

Also has anyone heard of an excellent song "Sir Aldingar". A Breton band called Kornog do it but I think its an old Scottish song. The story is about a Knight that tries to dispose of the Queen by drugging her and putting her in bed with a beggarman for the King to find. Again the lyrics are very difficult to understand - especially as it is sung with a very strong scottish accent.

Gabh raibh maith agat.


See Sir Aldingar for replies to that part of the question

Thread #39841   Message #7694
Posted By: Murray
29-Jun-97 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Sir Aldingar
Subject: RE: Maid of Coolmore and Sir Aldingar - lyricsreq

Sir Aldingar is one of the so-called "Child" Ballads, & is no. 59 in his collection; you should be able to find it in a reasonable sized library. It starts: Our king he kept a false steward, Men called him Sir Aldingar. There's a Scottish version where the villain in Rodingham.[Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border].