The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49217   Message #769788
Posted By: Kim C
22-Aug-02 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: speaking of 'Collecting Degrees' ...
Subject: RE: BS: speaking of 'Collecting Degrees' ...
B.A. in English.

What does that mean, really? I read a lot and wrote a lot. All in English. Although I did take French too. We had to do a report all in French and my teacher didn't take kindly to the fact that I thought outside the box; even though my grammar and pronunciation were really good, I got a C because I chose to sit on the desk to present my report, instead of behind some stuffy podium. (The report was about George Sand, and I played a tape of Chopin for my background music.)

And then there was Dr. Paine... I said, I have an idea for this paper, but I wanted to make sure it was okay first, because it's a little different. He said, I know you, you just do it however you want. I did, and he gave me an A.

There's some spoofy thing they do on Prairie Home Companion about English majors...