The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50723   Message #770173
Posted By: GUEST
23-Aug-02 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: Help - The Clearances (Andy M. Stewart)
Subject: The Clearances (Silly Wizard)
There was a thread on this song some time ago but I can't find it when I do a search, although I did find the lyrics. There was quite a bit of information but as I remember I still couldn't quite figure out what was meant by "the woods of germany grows in rows o'er the broken hearted" - where did the reference to Germany come from? Also anybody know who the cruel Gillander was? I do remember the debate about who actually did the clearing and it was concluded that it wasn't really fair to just blame it on the much maligned English. Can anybody contribute more to the subject? I remember the previous thread still left me with questions.