The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2032   Message #7702
Posted By: Frank in the swamps
29-Jun-97 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: favorite folk festivals which I've attended
Subject: RE: favorite folk festivils which I've attended
Alan of AU.

You'll find the first letter of the state followed by the second letter, unless two states have a commonality in their spelling, then we just start shooting at differences (pun aknowledged). For example, Alaska and Alabama are AK. & AL. The great state of Arkansas is AR. ( with apologies for it's most infamouspants droppin' "you make my knees knockin," finger in the the wind to figure out what i think,he's too ordinary to be shockin' excuse for a social parasite el presidente). Arizona would be AZ. And all the "New's" are pretty clear. We have a North & South Dakota, but Virginians are only West and Virginian, no Easts (W.V.& VA.). You oughta check out our slang names, Ohioans are "Buckeyes" for example, and if you tell A "Razorback" that "Buckeyes" rule..... well, be prepared.

I live in "Crackerland" myself, where the jumbucks wouldn't be so jolly on account of the heat, humidity, gators, and goddamn snowbirds running all over the place.

