The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50762   Message #770801
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
24-Aug-02 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Which is more scary?
Subject: RE: BS: Which is more scary?
Little Hawk:

You have managed to invision the most distasteful image I could imagine. I mean, William Shatner may be the nicest guy I've never met. He may be a paragon of virtue, and humanity, but he makes John Wayne seem like the greatest of all Thespians, in comparison. You've combined that image with perhaps my least favorite song of all time, sung by someone who is probably deeply loved by his dog.

Thanks a lot. Now I have that image burned into my brain. I am eternally undebted to you. :-)

I just had a root canal job, by the way and have the world's greatest stand-up comedian as a dentist, so I'm think if having another one, jut because I had such a good time. :-)
