The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50762   Message #770878
Posted By: NicoleC
24-Aug-02 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Which is more scary?
Subject: RE: BS: Which is more scary?
Hairdressers are completely incapable of cutting your hair the way you tell them to. After a brief flirtation with short hair, I have decided that having long hair may be a daily annoyance and distraction, but a) you can always put it in a pony tail, b) normal long hair is always in style (gosh, and I'm always the PEAK of fashion), and c) you don't have to go to the hairdresser, 'tis easy to trim yourself.

With short hair I always have to go through the hairdresser humiliation and subsequent awful haircut.

But singing in front of people is WAY more scary!