I don't think I saw that one, Lyle. It sounds like a great idea for a skit, though.This guy that cut my hair was really out of touch. He worked in the Orillia Square Mall and was from the old school (like the 1940's, I would guess). I like looking like Bob Dylan, he tried to make me look like...James Dean? Something like that. On another occasion, which I heard about from one of the girls who worked there, he cut an eight year old girl's long hair while her parents went to Zellers. Apparently he made the mistake of thinking she was a little boy. He cut off 90% of her hair. The girl was too paralyzed to say or do anything, but when her parents returned they went ballistic and she burst into tears. It was an ugly scene. They threatened to sue. The husband threatened physical violence. It took quite awhile for that one to blow over, and they did not pay him, needless to say.
He has since retired (thank God) and one of the girls who worked there started her own hairdressing shop and has always cut my hair just the way I want it.
But I fear that she may one day retire...
- LH