The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50762 Message #771331
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Aug-02 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Which is more scary?
Subject: RE: BS: Which is more scary?
I always ask around to find the best in town. I'll ask friends and sometimes people I just see in the stores or whereever...if I like their hair I'll ask who they use. So far that has worked. I had two excellent people in WY and a good one back East. I've yet to look for one here simply because I don't need one right now. Keeping it longer helps. Though mine's not so long right now. I had 8.5 inches taken off two months rid of all of the perm and colour and I loved both!
Mortee, any brat that told me no one wore their hair that way anymore would've just lost a customer. I would have left right then. Knowing your beauty, I'll bet you look much, much prettier than you think, no matter what the little torturer did! Maybe they are reincarnates of Torquemada's period...A little off the top, you say? **BG**