The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50797   Message #771429
Posted By: Llanfair
25-Aug-02 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: Llanstock III
Subject: Llanstock III
I'm checking in from Lincolnshire, where I'm visiting my son, daughter in law and grandson, but we'd better make a start.

Mid-October gathering in beautiful Mid-Wales. Some minor changes, one being that there will be a programme of workshops......potential leaders please PM me, and another is that there will be a small charge because the cost of the Institute has doubled since last year.

Camping and caravans should be OK at the railway again, and Pippins is still open, phone number on request. I'm a bit wary about organising accommodation this year, because of problems last time, but I will do what I can.

Hands up who wants to come!!!!!

Cheers, Bron.