The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2032   Message #7716
Posted By:
30-Jun-97 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: favorite folk festivals which I've attended
Subject: RE: favorite folk festivils which I've attended
The best festival of ALL FESTIVALS is the Walnut Valley Festival in Winfield, Kansas as a few have mentioned. The festival is always the 3rd weekend in September and you have to be prepared to camp as no motels are available that weekend. I've been three times, and would have attended more if I could've gotten away. I'm an Elementary Music teacher and most generally my principals have let me off to attend because the workshops and concerts are just great and something I can use and bring back to my students. I play several folk instruments and enjoy getting with others who play as well. So my biased opinion of favorite festivals is Winfield with my favorite folk performers being John McCutcheon and Tom Chapin who perform at this wonderful festival. Viv from Oklahoma.