The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50827   Message #771899
Posted By: M.Ted
26-Aug-02 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Help: Why so little interest in performing 60s
Subject: RE: Help: Why so little interest in performing 60s
You just started a revival, Bassman--groups come and go, and, for good or ill, the music that is performed in public depends more on what performers are interested in playing than in what audiences are interested in hearing--chances are, no one even knows what music people want to hear until they applaud--

"Folk" performers evolved from pop or classical performers who performed pop or classical arrangements of "folk" songs to Weavers/Kingston Trio "one style fits all" kind of playing to protest singers to Dylanesque psycho-balladeers to Seventies Middle-of-the-Road "acoustic" to a revival in interest in traditional playing and singing styles, to the current singer-songwriter stuff--the thing is that the performers move on to new and allegedly better things, but the audiences remember what they love forever--

Years ago, there was an old guy who played at the Alameda flea market, and he wrote out the names of every song that he knew on giant pieces of cardboard for people to request--Pop Goes the Weasel and Camptown Races were very popular--and, believe me, no one had played either tune in a Bay Area club in living memory--