The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50815   Message #772410
Posted By: wysiwyg
27-Aug-02 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Working with Head Start?
Subject: RE: Working with Head Start?
No you shouldn't Fred! *G* Someone mentioned to me that Vermont Head Start is doing a lot with music. If you can find me anything, that would be great. (Does that make you a mensch?)

I found two things of note doing a MENC search-- one, standards, and two, a set of music educator requirements that seemed more rigid than would allow for the creativity necessary to meet those standards with the kids. It's all been professionalized to the point where I fear I may have to crack a few eggs to do any good work with kids.... or slide in under their radar as a volunteer working under the "direction" of the classroom teacher. Fortunately I have a tailor-made place to do that-- I play twice a month for a church service, in a building where the rest of the space is leased to Head Start. Must be time to go voer there and practice, with the connecting doors open, askinf gfirst of course if they mind. I will make myself an attractive nuisance (legal term, meaning an irresistible thing that kids are drawn to). My parent-involvement experience may be good here too-- do a family event for them at a play group.
