The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50797   Message #772755
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
28-Aug-02 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: Llanstock III
Subject: RE: Llanstock III
We were a bit concerned about Pippins, last year the owner was toying with the idea of putting on the market just to see what interest there would be... obviously there was enough.

Got any other B&B places in the town? Failing that, I'm happy to be trailer trash but Manitas is getting on a bit and likes his comfort, besides, I'd hate to subject others to his snoring. Bratling sleeps in the starfish position wherever she drops so that's no problem. I have in the past, put her in a box and pushed her under a table where she remained asleep until a dog licked her ear....

We would camp, but August was wet enough, October would be just too much!

Lady P are you requiring transport again?