The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50524   Message #773211
Posted By: Gareth
28-Aug-02 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: lawyer jokes
Subject: RE: BS: lawyer jokes
Story - Warrented True. Uk Catters might appreciate this.

I was having a run in over the phone with one of these "Accident Management Companies" that seem to infest the UK at the moment.

It was the usual problem, some bloody fool teenybopper in a old, rusty High Milage B reg Ford Escort had tried to undertake a HGV (Tractor and Rig/12 Wheeler in USA) and got flattened.

The Escort was worth £150 at best (Top Book) The Engineer had valued it at £50.00 ( With a full fuel tank !) and it was obviously going to be cheaper to pay than argue.

But no this "Accident Management Company" was holding out for £1,500 and a massive loss of use claim. And Totaly ignoring the fact that if you try to cut in on the inside of an HGV on a round a bout you deserve every thing that you get, or so the Court's say.

Me " Well do you understand the concept of liability ?"

She " I'am legally qualified !"

Me ( getting totally p****d off )" I see, and what are your qualifications ?"

She , sceaming " I've got a GCSE (*) in Law "

Seems that failed Wannabe Lawyers are just as bad as the qualified shysters !

(*) GCSE = General Cartificate of Secondary Education - taken by 15/16 year olds - and in "Law" thats pretty basic !!!

Roll on medical retirement !!!
