The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50827   Message #773276
Posted By: curmudgeon
28-Aug-02 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Help: Why so little interest in performing 60s
Subject: RE: Help: Why so little interest in performing 60s
There is no such creature as Celtic music aside from the grasping minds of record producers. There is Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Manx, Cornish, Bretagne music all of which is Celtic. Then there is English folk song.

Those popular groups of the '60s drew most of their non-American repertoire from the English tradition. Most had neither the inclination nor the ability to grapple with "braid Scots' dialects.. And until the eruption of Makem & the Clancys, there was little Irish trad music available, aside from Seamus Ennis, Patrick Galvin, Margaret Barry and Joe Heaney.

I don't recall which group recorded a version of "Tail Toddle," but based on the notes and the rendition, I am quite sure that they had no idea what the song was about, nor cared -- it was up tempo and arranged well.

If you've got a few spare dollars, go to your local used book store, or on line, and get a copy of "Folk Song In England" by A.L.Lloyd; he says it better than I ever could hope to -- Tom