The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50903   Message #773453
Posted By: fogie
29-Aug-02 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: Help: Is Folk music in England Celtic?
Subject: RE: Help: Is Folk music in England Celtic?
My dear mate Pete is a purist, playing only that sort of music that has no Irish, or Scots feel to it, such as would be heard in morris dances, Playford, Apted, and the comparitively recent tunes such as performed by the New Victory Band, I personally go for much newer compositions such as found on "fusion " bands like Stocai,and Finality Jack's first CD, which shows just how vital the tune-writing is in England today. A great service was done by the Blowsabella band in revitalising the scene by introducing new rhythms to British dance music, and we still live in its wake.