The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50903   Message #773459
Posted By: smallpiper
29-Aug-02 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: Help: Is Folk music in England Celtic?
Subject: RE: Help: Is Folk music in England Celtic?
I also have been told by scollars that the Celts never existed and what we refer to as Celtic stems from a neolithic type of pottery decoration found in France and subsequently accross europe. However, it now has a meaning, even if no one can actually agree what that meaning is, and tends to refer to the peoples and distinct cultural heritage of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Britany and Manx. Thats okay I can live with that it. It could also be an explaination for the cross cultural influences inmusic and dance of the different regions (if I may for the sake of this thread refer to the areas as regions). But inorder to understand what makes English music and culture distinctly different we have first of all to know what English is and thats something I don't know - does anybody? I know Morris and the rythmic style that links morris and some folk songs is that it or is it more?

Answers on a postcard please