The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50903   Message #773563
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
29-Aug-02 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: Help: Is Folk music in England Celtic?
Subject: RE: Help: Is Folk music in England Celtic?
Pardon me folks, but Irish, Cornish, Welsh & Manx are Celtic languages. The Celts were in the Islands long before the Teutonic and Norse peoples arrived. The bardic tradition, the druidic tradition all come from Celtic Europe. The Vikings had little actual influence on Irish culture, the Picts were in Scotland already, but largely subsumed by Celtic incursions. The Danes were much more prominent in England, and left a great deal of music and culture behind. And all would have been different if Alfred and his crew had harried William and the Normans from the get go. Imagine, no Elizabeth, no Cromwell, no plantations, no Church of England, no Northern Ireland... too bad. Forgive all the musings, and I can cite references if you wish. But English folk has a tradition, and Irish folk has a tradition, and Welsh, Cornish and Manx folk have a tradition. Today's common term Celtic Music may be as meaningless as the term Folk Music is in usage, but there is a reality behind it as well.