The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51082   Message #777480
Posted By: Fibula Mattock
05-Sep-02 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mediaeval Swear Words
Subject: RE: BS: Mediaeval Swear Words
Slight thread-drift but still on topic - cultural differences in swearing.

Having a couple of Dutch friends keen to share their language, I got them to teach me Dutch swear words (in return for a few choice Norn Ireland phrases and instruction of the correct use of "aye, yer ma"). Anyway, I was amazed to find that their swear words were all diseases, with the occasional religious phrase thrown in - hardly any of them were sexual, or had connotations of sexual behaviour (other than slang terms for genitals).
Thinking about it, is it because it is in some ways a more liberal society, not as uptight about sex as the UK? It's fascinating how swearing differs by country. I use a lot more religious phrases than people here in England - "Sweet Mother of God" and "Jesus, Mary and Joseph (and the donkey)" aren't often heard in my place of work. Then again, swearing isn't heard all that often in my place of work - now there's a cultural difference between Norn Ireland and England. (No longer do I hear the word "fuck" used in about 5 different ways in a sentence - but mainly as a sentence filler without any intention of rudeness.)