The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10871   Message #77750
Posted By: MudGuard
12-May-99 - 03:03 AM
Thread Name: SONG TITLES ONLY THREAD w/blue clicky thingie
Subject: RE: SONG TITLES ONLY THREAD w/blue clicky thingie
Hi Alison,
HTML is case insensitive, it does not matter whether you use capital letters or not for the HTML tags.

To put a link to a specific post in a thread, do the following:
- Look at the posts time and originator.
- Go to the top of the thread where the list of postings is
- Search for the post you want in this list
- Now if you move your mouse over it and click with your right mouse button on it (this is valid for Internet Explorer, I don't know whether it works on other browsers), you get a menu where you select "Properties".
- The dialog showing then has a field "Address", next to it is the URL, highlight it with your mouse (go to the end, press and hold mouse button down while moving mouse to the end of the address).
- Now press Ctrl and C key to copy this address.
- Type the <a href="">Click here</a> stuff
- put the cursor between the quotes and press Ctrl and V key to paste the address in

The important thing is to have the message number in the URL, i.e. the # character and the number behind it, it identifies the individual postings in the thread.
