So, I get this call at nearly 11 at night. It's my sister, CarolC. She wants to talk to me before I read a certain thread at the 'Cat. Man...the things that happen when you go away for 2 weeks. ;)I am related to this woman, and I had no idea she was even involved with anyone. :::snort!!:::
So, I went looking for a pic of Jack the Sailor, and I replied to his PM, warning me ahead of time so I would not be blown over ;) (sprry, m'lad...too late!)
But there are no pics of Jack the Sailor. I'd really like to see what my new bro-in-law looks like before I meet him in person. I think it would be nice to carry on the tradition Carol started, and talk to him and see him for the first time on the web.
I am completely tickled here. All I can say is, it's about time she had some happiness. I am all for that. So, keep her happy, Jack...or you'll have a little red headed spitfire to answer to. >;D