The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10718   Message #77844
Posted By: Allan C.
12-May-99 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: WORST single lines
Subject: RE: WORST single lines
tomtom, I am not a great Neil Diamond fan and I believe that much of his stuff has found its rightful place among the muzak of the dentist office. But, regarding: "'I am' I said, to no one there, and no one heard at all, not even the chair." it may partially excuse it if you were to know how and where it was written. Neil, who says he was a great fan of Lenny Bruce (I think he said they were close friends but I wouldn't want to misquote him), had gone to the tryouts for a movie being made about Lenny. Well, the tryouts were over. Neil wasn't selected to play the part of Lenny. Crestfallen and disappointed, he sat in an empty hallway near the stage entry - just him and the chair - and attempted to express his feelings by writing that song.