The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51193   Message #778647
Posted By: Rick Fielding
07-Sep-02 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
Subject: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
OK, truth to tell, I did very little hugging at all until I was talked into joining a 'sensitive new-age men's group' a few years ago. It was fun, a bit scary at times, and hugely valuable for a couple of weeks when I was going through a major 'situation'. As usual, I quickly became the 'deviant' (in a nice, pleasant, and not dangerous way) in the group, because having ALREADY gone through my hippie phase when I was much younger, I didn't need to read Robert Bly, or bang on a drum to release the 'child' in me. It never left! The other guys were all professionals with wives and children and had real jobs with actual responsibilities, and to a man had accepted at least some of the conformities that I had always (and still do) run from.

There was a LOT of hugging.....and I did get over my uncomfortableness.....sort of. It absolutely amazed me how comfortable some folk were/are with that "hello" hug, and "goodbye" hug.

Last night I went to a friend's album release concert, and found myself in a situation that brought back quite a bit of the old "to hug or not to hug" thing. Bumped into a LOT of old friends and acquaintances.....and did a lot of hugging...AND some "is this a hug situation or not" stuff....

So....Anyone got any thoughts, personal experience stuff or comments? I'm OK if it turns out that I really AM in the minority on this.

