The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51193   Message #778955
Posted By: katlaughing
08-Sep-02 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
Subject: RE: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
My family has always hugged and I am glad of it. However, we do NOT force hugs on anyone, well...a couple of my sisters just take it for granted that they can hug family anytime without asking and that bothers me sometimes, but I've learned to pick my battles and that ain't one of them.:-)

I've got one daughter who always wants a hug and another who is very private with her bod and doesn't let anyone get in her personal space univited, though she does offer me hugs and accepts them from me. My son has always been open about hugs, too.

I do not like hugs from people I've just met and had no history with or a complete stranger, unless it is in an unusual circumstance. Having worked as a nurses' aid and emergency medical tech, I saw a lot of people when they were at their most vulnerable and generally needed some kind of touch, whether it was a hug or just a touch on their shoulder, so I learned how to read people and guage my offerings on what seemed acceptable to them.'d definitely get one from long as you looked comfy with it!**BG**