The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51209   Message #779049
Posted By: GUEST,
08-Sep-02 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: Banjo Setup and Sound Problems
Subject: RE: BS: Banjo Setup and Sound Problems
A few more questions... first, how old is "real old"? If it is turn of the century, it is possible it was meant to be strung with gut strings, not steel! Does the neck have a support rod? Is it adjustable? If it has a neck rod that can be adjusted, I would say your tension is set WAY to high! This is a problem for new and old banjos alike. What guage stings are you using? Older banjos like a lighter gauge. They will never be as loud as their modern counterparts. Finally, what condition is your head in? DOes it look like the original? When you tap on it across the top, does it feel like an equal tension? Incorrect tension, ie to tight, can also cause the effect you mentioned. To recap... check for a tensioner rod in the neck and see if it can be adjusted. Lighten your string gauge and check the tension on your top! GOod luck Rock On John P