The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51193   Message #779164
Posted By: Rick Fielding
08-Sep-02 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
Subject: RE: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
Jeesus Joe! What was that Nun doing coming up on you from behind!!??

OK, now that we're gettin' down to the nuts and bolts of greeting-etiquette, I've got a REAL issue to deal with....and I even think it may warrant another thread. Lets keep this one for "hugging techniques and reactions" and I'll call the new one. "Handshakes from Hades"!

By the way....hate to be so much in the majority but I ALSO come from a family where hugging NEVER's a wonder ANY of us can tolerate it now...Thank Goodness for the folk community!!