The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51138   Message #779215
Posted By: SlickerBill
08-Sep-02 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: The Guitar and Irish Traditional Music
Subject: RE: The Guitar and Irish Traditional Music
Terrific thread. A couple of questions:

1. Can anyone suggest a good instructional book on guitar and Irish music? Or web site perhaps. i mean, you can do the web search thing, butit's tough to zero in on the good instructional stuff. I'm very interested in expnding my playing vocabulary in this way, particularly for fiddle accompaniment.

2. Perhaps a bit of drift here, but likewise any materials useful in learning fiddle accompaniment for cape Breton music ( Richard Wood, Natalie McMaster, etc.), which to my ear, while owing much to the Irish tradition, seems to have taken it along a different path, particularly with the predominance of the piano in many pieces.

Cheers, SB