The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50297   Message #779318
Posted By: GUEST,Neil Comer
08-Sep-02 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: 9/11: Commemorating Sep 11th
Subject: RE: Commemorating Sep 11th
Fionn, you are not beneath contempt. Anyway. I am cynical. Sept. 11 was a tragedy, there is no doubt. But, I have a funny feeling that Bush is going to use this date as a opportunity to launch strikes on the Middle East. (I didn't say Iraq because I think that the whole of the Middle East will de decimated) The USA is no saint. I bet Bush sleeps well. None of his people ( I mean people as in 'muintir,' the Gaelic concept, your kith and kin) were hurt on that fateful day. If they were, he [Bush] might not be as keen to launch slaughter on the world.