The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51235   Message #779377
Posted By: mg
08-Sep-02 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: suggestions for putting on a music camp
Subject: suggestions for putting on a music camp
I would like to hear from others who have been involved as organizers or participants what are some things you like and don't like about the music camps you have been to. Like food, shelter, workshops, nitpicking details perhaps.

I'll offer some of my suggestions from both sides of the coin:

1. You absolutely must have food for vegetarians that doesn't have meat, lard etc. in it. We got in trouble in Rainycamp for serving refried beans, not thinking of the lard.

2. You also must have meat for meat-eaters. I usually bring my own to be on the safe side, because I get very low blood sugar without it.

3. If people have special food requirements, let them bring their own food and cook it and make sure the kitchen is open when they need it (I have been in situations where I had the food, but couldn't get to it...). If they are highly allergic, they should prepare their own meals. You just can't guarantee there won't be something in whatever...

4. Snorers' cabin is a good idea.

5. Scholarships for people who will clean up after, especially bathrooms, are good. I would also get new toilet brushes, sponges, potholders etc., as sometimes they can be awful.

6. My pet peeve is evening concerts that will not end...they can go on and on...I would suggest setting a time limit and that is that..encourage people to form small groups rather than solos.

7. Other pet peeve is those awful flourescent lights. Turn them off and use lamps; candles if they are allowed. Tell people who want to use blue books to bring a flashlight.

8. If you can bring a copy machine, that is great. Also a laptop or a way to download the DT and print off music on the spot.

9. Jean has done a great job at Rainycamp of having cassettes, flashlights, batteries etc. for sale...things we are always forgetting.

People really like it when they don't have to get too caught up in chores, and don't seem to mind paying extra for a cook...there are some good cooks around. Some of the camp food is really quite good..can you say Dutch Babies at Rainycamp?

If it is a singing camp, set up a separate area for instrumental jams...

well, that is all for now. Any others..
