The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51227   Message #779417
Posted By: Tinker
08-Sep-02 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Greeting etiquette:Handshakes from Hades
Subject: RE: BS: Greeting etiquette:Handshakes from Hades
Rick, You've clearly escaped the relm of the rubber chicken dinner if you haven't included the air-kiss-embrace. I'm not sure which thread it fits in... Sometime this accompanies a hug, but rarely a true hug. The main idea is to faine true affection without even coming close to disturbing, hair, make-up or costuming which may have been hours in the making. It may begin with a hand shake pull in .... or "hug" with hands on opposite shoulders... or a stiff hug.

I seem to think it's used when a hand shake is not enough but there is either too much reserve, too much make-up, or just too much, too much for a sincere hug. As for kissing the air next to someone's ear...I don't get it...
