The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50297   Message #779435
Posted By: GUEST,
09-Sep-02 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: 9/11: Commemorating Sep 11th
Subject: RE: Commemorating Sep 11th
I can't find any songs commemorating Sept 11 on the Mudcat song database, nor have I seen a compilation. Yet I know that many have been written, because I wrote a song a few days after the event (see below) and because I have read about some, and heard another one the other night at the Folklore Society of Greater Washington sing. Please post other songs to the thread I started on Sept 8 called "Sept 11 Commemorative Songs." Thanks.

Here is my effort, dedicated to a colleague I used to work with, who was killed at the Pentagon attack:


(Sung to the tune of "The Good Reuben James") by Llewellyn M. Toulmin

Written September 14, 2001

Dedicated to my colleague "Jeep" Fisher, who died at the Pentagon

'Twas a clear September morning in New York and DC The innocent were working, for you and for me Then a wing and a flash, and cruel explosions roar That hit those mighty buildings, and crushed every floor.


Tell me, what were their names? Tell me, what were their names? Did you have a friend, on the ground or the planes? Tell me, what were their names? Tell me, what were their names? Did you have a friend, on the ground or the planes?

Passengers fought back, even though they knew they'd die Some of them did struggle, "Let's roll" was their cry They charged for that cockpit, and stopped short that plane They saved the nation's Capitol, their loss is our gain.


Day turned into night for our sailors and marines The Pentagon was burning, it was a hellish scene They draped a giant flag, when night turned into day Marking the tomb where our gallant soldiers lay.


The firemen responded, as heroes always do Climbing ever upward, for me and for you They climbed up twin towers, until they could no more Instead of hell's fire, they found heaven's door.


We'll fly our flag on high, we'll fight 'til we're free Of this tyranny of terror, that's come from 'cross the sea We'll fly the Stars and Stripes of the land of the brave And we will get justice, for every single grave.

