The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51168   Message #779674
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
09-Sep-02 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: King Arthur needs your help
Subject: RE: King Arthur needs your help
One could worse than seeking the soundtrack to one of my all time most beloved pieces of British sreenplay & performance in film: the film expansion of the play "A Man for All Seasons". ( Amazingly not *yet* available on DVD, but with the publication of the series of "Elizabeth R" and "Six Wives of ol Hereri the 8th I yam, I yam", there's hope for this beauty )

The soundtrack is very much an integral *presence* ,however "Renaissance-tinged" , and evokes more of the spirit than the Wagner chosen in John Boorman's "Excalibur".

I mean you're makin' a historic documentary. It's a theme park , right,right,?...meaning it's still showbiz. However y'all can acheive showbiz with style and grace as the soundtrack to "A Man for All Seasons" proves.

Meanwhile nearby us in Maryland they are now holding one of the largest Renaissance Festivals in the U.S. all through the Autumn season and the music is played live & on site . I'm looking forward to the Scottish theme weekend which , last time I attended , atleast 3 pipers and 2 drummers playing folk drums dressed in rather tribal kilts and skins playing traditional pieces that , when the echo throughout the hollow , sounds absolutely haunting and beautiful.