The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51236   Message #779689
Posted By: Amos
09-Sep-02 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
Subject: RE: CarolC & JTS - Play at our Wedding?
Well, shake my bones and rock-a my soul!
Carol C's got her very own troll!!
His head's too big for a normal hat,
And he thinks he's Yassir Arafat!
He's in there plugging, raising sparks
With anti-Zionist remarks!
But you guys just keep rocking and rollin',
And leave that a**hole to his trollin'!
He's a wannabe has-been, got no soul,
But -- what's a day without a troll?

Happiest of weddnin's to the two of youse!