The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51193   Message #779969
Posted By: An Croenen
09-Sep-02 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
Subject: RE: BS: Huggers, Non-Huggers, and Huggees!
I visited the States when I was 12 and remember the very first hug I got, there (my mum had prepared me for this thing called hugging). In Belgium, people don't hug generally; they're more into kissing. So the first hug I got, in the States, I surprised the lady by kissing her (just out of habit, I'm afraid). And there are codes as to how many kisses you give depending on the social circles. In France it's very usual to give four kisses: 1-2-1-2. Belgians will give you three when you're friends, and perhaps one when it's family, unless you haven't seen eachother for a while. Funnily enough, I have noticed that people in England start with their first kiss on the cheek opposite to the one we pick first (which potentially leads to kissclashing :), and they only give two. Unless they hug. Arh all so confusing. My question is: is hugging not more commonly done in the States than in England? I just wondered.