The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51287   Message #780443
Posted By: MMario
10-Sep-02 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Whilst the Gamekeepers lie Sleeping
Subject: Whilst the Gamekeepers lie Sleeping
The lyrics presented by John Paddy Brown in FolkSongs of Old Hampshire appear to me to be different enough from those in the DT version to warrant posting them. The tune (per Brown - from F. Purslow in Marrow Bones)appears to be the same. These lyrics listed as collected by george B. Gardiner from "a resident of Marchwood" in 1907.


I got a dog and a good dog too
I keeps him in my keeping
For to catch those hares that run by night
Whilst the gamekeepers lie sleeping

My dog and me went out one night
For to learn some education
Up jumps a hare and away she runs
Right into a large pantation

She had not gone so very far
Before something stopped her running,
A Aunt! O Aunt! she loudly cried,
Stop a minute, your Uncle's coming!

Then I took out my old penknife
And quickly I did paunch her,
She turned out one of the female kind
How glad am I I caught her

I picked her up and I smoothed her down
And I put her in my keeping
And I said to my dog It's time to be gone
Whilst the Gamekeepers are still sleeping

Away me and my dod did go,
Back into the town
I took this hare to a labouring man
And I sold her for a crown.

We called into some public house
And there we got quite mellow;
For we spent that crown and another too,
Don't you think I'm a good-hearted fellow?

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While Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping in the Digital Tradition