The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51146   Message #781871
Posted By: Teribus
12-Sep-02 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Man in the street
Subject: RE: BS: Man in the street
Hi smallpiper - from your posting above we obviously worked for the same firm at one time, therefore as a former naval person, you unlike most typical men in the street, will know what the requirements are for carrier operations.

A strike against Iraq with the expressed goal of removing Saddam Hussein from power will require men on the ground. If you are going to send men ashore, they will require air support both strategic and tactical (again as an ex-serviceman you will know the finer differences in those terms, and their requirements, where your typical man in the street may not).

If the land based airfields used during Desert Storm are not available then certainly the tactical air support must be carrier based. Without the agreement and support of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the options for where those troops can enter Iraq is basically limited to that country's coastline, again as someone with experience of naval operations you will be more conversant with what is required to carry-out an amphibious operation than the typical man in the street.

You will know that to carry-out this operation, we are talking about a large number of very large ships. If you were "in" during the days of the Beira Patrol, you will know how many ships it took for the Royal Navy to keep just two Frigates on the patrol line - your typical man in the street will not. Going back to the proposed operation and the ships that would be required for it. You will know from your own time in the navy that large ships need lots of sea room, you will also appreciate that that is one thing you do not have in the confined waters of the Arabian Gulf.

You will also have a greater understanding of the logistical problems that have to be tackled to supply those men, ships and aircraft, you will also understand that those logistical problems are magnified by the distance at which those resources must operate from a well equipped, secure base. Your typical man in the street may not.

In your posting above you say, quote, "So I got my Geography wrong Teribus - like it matters! ". One phrase you would no doubt have heard during the period you spent in the forces would have been "Attention to detail". You have obviously forgotten it - Of course it matters to be factual and accurate - and that applies to anything and everything in life!

You also come out with, quote, "I know how well informed yer average squaddie is, where as you seem to think that they know everything. " If you chose to spend your time in Navy as a mushroom - more fool you. Go back and read my posting - I did not state that they knew everything, what I did say was that I thought that, quote, "...the opinion of any professional soldier, regardless what rank, with regard to this topic would be a bit more informed and reasoned than "your typical man in the street". " - bit of a difference isn't there? Frankly, I credit those currently serving in our armed forces with as much, if not more "common dog" than you seem to do - especially in the light of their recent service (Falklands, Gulf War and Afghanistan) - don't try to tell me they that they don't know when they are being fed a load of bull.