The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51241   Message #781914
Posted By: InOBU
12-Sep-02 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: A new definition of 'folk' & 9/11
Subject: RE: A new definition of 'folk' & 9/11
Hi Janice:
As I said at the outset of the thread... a new definition of folk... that the unsigned bands where not shown the proper respect. Why is that folk? and why is that vital? Well, it is a rare old record company that will not put the bottom line before the degree of tallent and the message, so the only hope for great new music of the people, is for progressive organisations like the War Risters League to put some of us before crowds, the way Lynne Stewart did, whose committee asked me to sing in a promenent possition in their rally on the basis of my message and tallent, not on the basis of wether or not my name was meaningful to a record company executive.
It was great to see lots of folks and folkies for peace all the same.
Cheers Larry