The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51241   Message #782682
Posted By: Suffet
12-Sep-02 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: A new definition of 'folk' & 9/11
Subject: RE: A new definition of 'folk' & 9/11
Let me reiterate Larry's argument from another perspective. Ever hear of a rap group called The Disciples? They are four young men from Brooklyn, and their songs are about human rights, stopping the exploitation of workers, struggling for peace and social justice, standing up to intolerance, etc.? Pete Seeger has praised their work. They have been written about in Vibe and in The Source, they've performed at street fairs and at public schools throughout New York and at the Donnell Branch of the New York Public Library, they appeared at a Clearwater festival, and they've even been on the PBS television show Rights and Wrongs.

My guess, however, is that you have never heard of The Disciples. That's because no major label wants them and no commercial radio or cable station gives them any airplay. Why not? Because they refuse to do the misogynist, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, violent crap, that passes for rap music. So they hold down day jobs while they give freebies or play for chump change, while rappers like Eminem and B.I.G. rake in millions upon millions with their dreck.

Larry, I'm with you on this one. And I agree Pat was great. And so were the people who sang with her, including Sandy, Ben, and all those kids.

--- Steve